Friday, June 25, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle magazine 

banking services chronicle magazine  Published this article  Similarly it is time we link climate change—the greatest lifestyle related catastrophe and health—with NCDs. We in our cities are certainly beginning to see how vector-borne diseases are growing because of the changes in weather. We know that heat and cold stress will grow making the poor more vulnerable. But it is not just for WHO to make this call. The fact is that of our institutions must confront this reality. The link between foul environment—our air water pollution mounds of garbage or toxins in food— and health is so evident that it is crying for solutions. There is no hiding from this anymore. The good news is that our health is also the only real trigger for environmental action. We will act to improve the environment when we know it impacts us directly. For instance today in Delhi there is outrage against the pollution in the air. This is because when there is public health emergency in winter—when pollution levels spiralled out of control—people have come to understand the link between toxins and our bodies. So people want change because now there is a link between environment and their health. This is important and different. From pesticide poisoning to water pollution this body connection has been harder to establish. Also unlike in water pollution we dont connect the dying river to our taps. And if we do there is always the option of installing a household water filter or just buying bottled water. banking services chronicle magazine

banking services chronicle magazine 

competition in focus arihant

 competition in focus arihant 

competition in focus arihant Published this article  Further optimising the E-waste recycling chain requires strict monitoring enforcement and tracking realization of economies of scale and global cooperation. Failing to address any of these elements will result in suboptimal resource efficiency while posing a risk to the environment. Enforcement of EPR targets and comprehensive monitoring of formal recycling flows and processes is a critical first step to avoid leakage of valuable materials to an uncontrolled informal sector. This monitoring will lead to the creation of a level playing field where all the stakeholders shall be held accountable for their actions during the process of collection dismantling processing extraction and recycling. Thus a stepwise approach is essential for optimizing the recycling chain during all stages of the process rather than only at the beginning or the end as the current policy advocates. All the steps involved in the recycling process should be critically benchmarked against international best practices to derive maximum financial environmental and resource efficiency. competition in focus arihant

competition in focus arihant 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

competition wizard monthly magazine

 competition wizard monthly magazine

 competition wizard monthly magazine Publish this articles page no  These committees are mandated to have 50% women members.  It is a fact that Panchayats with greater women membership have performed better in projects like· drinking water supply sanitation etc. UN Report. Further a suitable representation of the weaker section of the society is there in the Pani Samiti.  Information Technology has been leveraged to collate and display real-time nationwide water· data on a portal  A Rashtriya Jal Jeevan Kosh RJJKis setup for accepting contributions from private players.· VAJIRAM AND RAVI Yojana Summary-April 2021 Page 6 WATER GOVERNANCE  The average annual precipitation of 3880 billion cubic meters BCM in India is highly variable both· in time and space.After evaporation we are left with about 2000 BCM of water. We cannot utilise this quantity in full owing to geological and other factors.  The utilisable water resources are about 1122 BCM 690 BCM or 61% surface water and 432· BCM or 39% groundwater.  The water resources utilised are about 700 BCM 450 BCM of surface water and 250 BCM of· groundwater. It is estimated that our annual requirement would be about 843 BCM in 2025 and 1180 BCM in 2050. Water Uses Statistics  About 78% of water utilised goes for agriculture 8% goes towards domestic use 6% is used· for industry and the remaining 8% goes towards other uses.  Indias per capita water availability is declining – it reduced from 1816 cubic meters in 2001 to· 1545 cubic meters in 2011. We are already in a water stressed situation defined by per capita availability of less than 1700 cubic meters. competition wizard monthly magazine


competition wizard monthly magazine

competition wizard magazine subscription

 competition wizard magazine subscription

 competition wizard magazine subscription Publish this articles page no  More importantly other than in the case of agriculture we do not consume water. We use and· discharge. Therefore it can be treated and then reused and recycled. VAJIRAM AND RAVI Yojana Summary-April 2021 Page 4  So this is one future we can change.For this we need to get the policy and practice of water management right. Evolution of Water Policy  Till the late 1980s water management was largely confined to the issue of irrigation projects — the· building of dams and canals to store and supply water long distances. But then came the big droughts of the late 1980s and it became clear that it was not enough to plan for augmenting water only through large projects.  In the droughts of the late 1990s state governments launched massive programmes to capture· rainwater. Later these efforts coalesced into the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act investing labour into building rural water assets.  By this time it was also understood that groundwater- considered a minor resource was the  major supplier of water for both drinking water and irrigation in the country.  It was also understood that over 50 per cent of agriculture was still rainfed and so water· conservation and decentralised rainwater harvesting was critical for productivity.  In the decade of 2010 the crisis of urban drought hit homes. competition wizard magazine subscription


competition wizard magazine subscription