Wednesday, October 19, 2022

mahindra current affairs magazine

mahindra current affairs magazine

mahindra current affairs magazine Published this article page no16  india signed an agreement with mauritius for development of agalega islands. 3. chagos island mauritius has welcomed the universal postal unions (upu un postal agency) decision to ban british stamps from being used on the chagos archipelago. although mauritius became independent in 1968 the chagos archipelago remained under british control.britain and the us operate a joint military base on the island. 4. mount kun peak (suru valley kargil) recently the defence minister flaggedin a national institute of mountaineering and allied sports (nimas) team on completion of mountain kun expedition. mount kun peak is located in the nunkun mountain massif the highest feature of zanskar range with mountain nun (7135 metres) and kun (7077 metres).it was first climbed in 1913 by italian mountaineers mario piacenza and borelli ed gaspard. 5. sakteng region bhutan china has laid claims to bhutans eastern sakteng region including bhutan sakteng wildlife sanctuary. 6. maldives recently the contract for the largestever infrastructure project greater male connectivity project (gmcp) in the maldives was signed.gmcp will consist of causeway link between male and nearby islands of villingli gulhifalhu and thilafushi.indian construction giant afcons has been tasked with completing the project. gwadar port area is witnessing protests in the backdrop of china pakistan economic corridor (cpec) work in progress.about gwadar o located in the southwestern province of balochistan. o it is a warm water deep sea port situated on the arabian sea. o it forms a natural hammerheadshaped its close vicinity is the chabahar port in iran on the gulf of oman. it is being developed by india and is significant from trade and security perspective for india mahendra current affairs magazine subscription. 

mahindra current affairs magazine

Thursday, August 11, 2022

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine Published this article page no 36 it is a comprehensive mission which would address technology development application development human resource development skill enhancement entrepreneurship and startup development in cps and associated technologies.implementation o it aims at establishment of 15 numbers of technology innovation hubs six numbers of application innovation hubs and four numbers of technology translation research parks (ttrp). o these hubs & ttrps will connect to academics industry central ministries and state government in developing solutions at reputed academic r&d and other organizations across the country in a hub and spoke model. o they mainly focus on four areas technology development hrd & skill development innovation entrepreneurship & startups ecosystem development and international collaborations family magazine subscribe now.

meri saheli magazine

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher the primary purpose of omge is to deliver on costeffectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions rather than creating carbon markets for their own sake.  small island countries wanted a mandatory automatic cancellation or discounting for an omge applied to all the activities under market mechanism. however this option was removed from the cop decision and made voluntary. double counting means counted once by the country of origin when reporting its emissions inventory and again by the receiving country (or other entity) when justifying emissions above their pledged climate effort usually via offsetting provisions. allowing trades to be double counted means that in actuality none of the reported emissions reductions are achieved Junior Science Refresher buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine published this article 63 removal of unlawful content the intermediary after being notified by the appropriate authority should remove or disable access to unlawful content within 24 hours. the intermediary is also expected to preserve such information and associated records for at least 180 days for investigation purposes (as against 90 days now).traceability of originator the modified rule 3(5) will introduce a traceability requirement to enable tracing the originator of information on the platform. it will in effect require a platform to break endtoend encryption and introduce systems for retaining information specific to each bit of user data sentreceived including whatsapp messages red magazine vizag subscription.

Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no 15  if the decision of the state government to provide reservations in promotion is challenged then the state concerned will have to place before the court the quantifiable data that reservations became necessary on account of inadequacy of representation of SCs and STs without affecting general efficiency of administration as mandated by Article 335. Analysis of the judgement  The fact that reservation cannot be claimed as a fundamental right is a settled position under the law and has been pointed out by several judgments in the past. o In 1967 a fivejudge bench in C.A. Rajendran v. Union of India held that the government is under no constitutional duty to provide reservations for SCs and STs either at the initial stage of recruitment or at the stage of promotion. o The position went on to be reiterated in several other decisions including the ninejudge bench ruling in Indra Sawhney v. Union of India (1992) and the fivejudge bench decision in M Nagaraj v. Union of India (2006).  Although this position of law is a settled one it is nonetheless at odds with certain other principles at the heart of the constitutional vision of equality. o In NM Thomas judgement (1976) the Supreme Court held that the Constitution was committed to an idea of substantive equality i.e. it had to take the actual circumstances of people into account when determining what constituted equal treatment. o The principled reason for this position was that groups of people who face structural and institutional barriers towards being able to compete on equal terms with others in society  for reasons that are historical but whose effects are enduring  must be treated in a way that mitigates those existing conditions of inequality. o Reservations  under this understanding  were a means to bring about genuine and true equality and not a set of privileges or gifts Junior Science Refresher buy. 

Junior Science Refresher

Monday, May 16, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no  06  During the course of his celebrated career, Rush Limbaugh invented the term "adult beverages" to refer to alcoholic drinks so as not to offend mothers with young children listening to the show. But no insight was given on where to find the best dittohead adult beverages. That's why I created The Dittohead's Guide to Adult Beverages, a political humor book fans of the show will love. Just try out these great recipes: ENVIRONMENTALIST WACKO WHISKEY Glass: Your Own Cupped Hands Ingredients: 1 Part Triple Sec (as long as it wasn’t made in a wicked corporate factory) 2 Parts Whiskey (homemade by Sierra Club members in an earth-friendly distillery) 1 Part Grain Alcohol (flammable liquid used by the Earth Liberation Front to burn SUVs) 1 Frozen Pond (the result of any number of man-made environmental catastrophes) 1 Dolphin (the pinnacle of creation, according to environmentalist wackos) Instructions: First, cut several ice cubes from the surface of a frozen pond (these should be abundant due to the smog effect blocking the sun's rays in preparation for the coming ice age). Avoid using a freezer to produce your ice cubes, because freezers are a capitalist-concocted first cousin of man's worst enemy – the air conditioner. Next, combine ingredients (along with your pond cubes) in your own cupped hands. Don't you dare use a glass instead of your hands, because the process of making glass destroys Mother Earth. Origin: This adult beverage is named in honor of environmentalist wackos, a fringe movement (not to be confused with serious and responsible ecology-minded people) that believes mankind is the greatest threat to nature, seeks to destroy private property, and longs to establish a socialist regime to impose their nuttiness on the rest of us. Special Note: For years environmentalist wackos have told us that dolphins are superior to humans – despite the absence of dolphin highways, libraries, or institutions of higher learning. But for all their supposed brilliance, I challenge any environmentalist wacko to find a dolphin that can make an adult beverage as good as this one! EL RUSHBO Glass: A Highball Glass Emblazoned with the EIB Network Logo Ingredients: 1 Part Rum (shares the first two letters of its name with Rush!) 2 Parts Blue Gatorade (consumed while playing a round of golf in honor of Rush) 2 Parts Sprite (in recognition of capitalist lemon-lime soda companies) 1 Prestigious Attila the Hun Chair (symbolic of complete radio industry dominance) Talent on Loan From God (why liberals don’t stand a chance against El Rushbo) Instructions: Utilizing talent on loan from God (assuming that, unlike most liberals, you acknowledge the existence of God), combine ingredients in a highball glass emblazoned with the EIB logo and top off with whipped cream (but please use the whipped cream in this adult beverage recipe the way Rush would use it and not in the manner in which Bill Clinton would use it). Enjoy from the comfortable confines of your own Attila the Hun chair, the undisputed seat of talk-radio industry power. Origin: This dittohead adult beverage is affectionately named in honor of Rush Limbaugh – lover of mankind, protector of motherhood, supporter of fatherhood (in most instances), general all-around good guy, and a man designated by the US Department of Education as a bona fide “weapon of mass instruction.” Special Note: This adult beverage is documented to almost always taste great, 96.712 percent of the time, just as El Rushbo is documented to be almost always right, 97.963 percent of the time Junior Science Refresher buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Science reporter

Science reporter

Science reporter Published this article page no  44 Todd gulped. “I like it.” “Me, too,” she told him. Just then the waitress returned with the champagne list. Todd looked it over and noted that, as expected, each bottle was marked up about five times over retail. He avoided the cheapest bottle, a California brand with a tenuous French heritage, lest he take some glitter off the festivities, and ordered the second least expensive bottle, which was authentically French and had some credibility toward extravagance. Obviously, California “champagne” has not made as big a dent as California wine in French claims to being superior custodians of the grape. Price: just over a hundred dollars. “We’ll have some Moet Chandon Brut Imperial,” he said. “Very good,” the waitress replied, and off she went to get the valuable bubbly. Todd reached down to hold Lila’s hand, feeling he had, by his unspoken agreement to overpay for the champagne, earned the intimacy. She looked down at the sudden conjunction of flesh, and then, smiling, said, “You know we have a different way of charging back here?” “You do?” Todd asked. “Yes,” she said. “I’m sorry but I have to charge you for holding my hand.” “You do?” he asked. “Yes,” she said. “It’s part of our Intimacy Price List. Would you like to see it?” “Naw,” he replied bravely. “You keep track.” Then, looking down at their irresistibly joined hands, he said, “But, tell me, how much am I spending?” “Ten dollars,” she told him. “Is there a time limit?” he asked warily. “No,” she smiled. “Once you pay, you can hold it all night. Holding hands is one of our better values.” “Great,” he said, and, feeling he had copped a bargain, took out ten dollars. She tucked it in her garter. The waitress returned with the champagne and held the label toward him. He smiled, and soon he and Lila were toasting like a voluntarily enchanted couple. “To a great night,” he said. “With you,” she replied, and flicked her tongue at him, as if to intimate the possibility of more than the law allows. He looked at her lovely, long blonde hair and couldn’t resist stroking it lightly. “You’re very pretty,” he said, catching his breath. “Thank you,” she breathed back. “You don’t mind if I bill you for that, do you?” “For what?” the poor soul wanted to know. “Caressing my hair.” “Oh,” he said, and withdrew his hand. “How much is that?” “Only ten dollars science reporter magazine buy.

Science reporter

Friday, February 11, 2022

bsc 4 success

bsc 4 success

bsc 4 success,bsc academy Published this article page no 37 Develop and disseminate products, tools and services focused on improving results for student who are at risk, including students with disabilities       Use the accountability system to leverage change in policy and practice at the local school level.The Ohio schools are focusing attention and energy on assisting all students to achieve high academic standards. They are preparing and supporting teachers and administrators to ensure that all students are taught what they need in order to succeed. They are adapting the public education structure in a manner to ensure all students will learn the Ohio schools academic standards. This means fewer but more meaningful goals for all students, effective use of student assessment data and resources, a fundamental shift in focus from what is taught to what children learn, and allowing assessment to drive classroom instruction, which is rigorous and aligned to the standards. The Ohio schools are creating a culture where each student feels valued and is given the ability and tools to succeed, including the students with disabilities.Lets be honest with each other.  Some things you find on the internet can be a little short of reputable.  Thats reasonable isnt it?  What about getting yourself a Masters Degree in 5 days?  Probably theres a catch there somewhere banking chronicle magazine buy..

bsc 4 success

renu general knowledge

renu general knowledge

renu general knowledge Published this article page no 35 In 2001, the Ohio schools made a major shift in approaching students with disabilities by revising school policy to require students with disabilities to participate in state assessment. Now, content standards are the focus of instruction for all students in every classroom, and a variety of research-based instructional strategies are aligned with the content standards. A coherent array of interventions, supports and services are used to ensure the success of students with disabilities. The policy now is that assessment is a reflection of instruction and instruction is a reflection of assessment, creating a shared responsibility for the education of students with disabilities. The Ohio schools goals for teaching students with disabilities are standards, capacity, and accountability.  They will improve access to, participation in, and progress in the general curriculum, based on the Ohio academic standards, for students with disabilities. Encouraging others to consider students with disabilities as general education children first is the capacity goal — assuming they will achieve, rather than assuming they may not achieve. The goal of accountability is to increase the performance of children with disabilities on state and district assessments from which they previously have been exempt renu general knowledge and world vision buy.

renu general knowledge

Thursday, February 10, 2022

red magazine vizag

red magazine vizag

you will get red magazine vizag Published this article page no 34 The New York City schools are strategically recruiting with trips to the state of California, which has comparable housing costs, as well as other states in the northwestern and southeastern areas of the United States. Additionally, an advertising campaign will promote the New York City schools program in the local and national newspapers, as well as other print and electronic media.  The New York City schools are hoping to hire an extra 100 teachers for the 2006-07 school year. Teachers hired will begin work in a high-need middle or high school, where these teachers are most in demand.The new housing support program will make a real difference to underserved students and gives a competitive advantage to the New York City schools. The Ohio Schools are redefining their Special Education program and closing the gap in the achievement of students with disabilities. The Ohio schools believe that achievement gaps are not the same as ability gaps, and the education system is responsible for ensuring that high achievement is an attainable goal for all students. Furthermore, the Ohio schools has put forth that meaningful participation of students with disabilities in state assessment is absolutely essential if every child is to be assured access to challenging curriculum and appropriate instruction andhra pradesh best magazine red magazine no 1 red magazine subscription buy.

red magazine vizag